Dad was here visiting a couple of weeks ago, and he brought this thing with him. It's called a GigaBall. You climb in it and someone rolls you around. Stewart took one look at it and said "UH UH!! NO WAY!" Then the neighbor kids came over and Stephen rolled them around a bit. Then Stewart was ALL into it! Didn't take long before they punctured a hole in it, though :)
The baby has had the stomach flu since Wednesday. Its awful, she can't keep anything down and I'm trying to keep everyone else from getting sick. I'm usually not a germ-a-phobe, but the day before she started having symptoms, I went to get my oil changed and I let her play in the play area. I just know she picked it up there. When I took her to the doctor, he said that this is going around and that its highly contagious. SO BEWARE!