Sunday, June 6, 2010

The week from H-E-double hockey sticks

Let's see...

Its started on Tuesday when Allie threw my cell phone into my coffee. Fried it. Yes, this is the very cell phone that earlier this year I dropped into the bathtub. Was able to get a another one that day but I could have killed the little squirt.

Then on Friday after his last day of school, Stewart was playing barefoot in the backyard and kicked a brick. Judging by the amount of blood I was certain he'd ripped off his toenail. Thankfully he did not, but my boy is a HUGE drama queen so that was fun. Here is a pictue of Allie after the incident. Stewart had just hosed her down when he hurt himself so I can't help but think she had something to do with his accident.

Then on Saturday I go out to my minivan and it has a dead battery. Instead of leaving it alone and going to ask a neighbor to help me push it out of the garage, I decide to take that task on all by my little ol' self. Simple enough: You put it in neutral, and you push. Right? Only the minivan gets away from me and to prevent it from hurdling into the street I run to open the driver's door and I get pinched between the garage wall and the minivan. Hence this beautiful collection of bruises on my left arm. The picture really doesn't do it justice. I hurt. ALOT! Good news after all this the minivan gets just enough juice in it to start up so I can go to Walmart and get a new battery.
On a side note, Allie is an M&M freak. I gave her some during our walk to the park yesterday. Here I am trying to get her attention but she refuses to take her eyes off the M&Ms in fear they may disappear.

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