Its started on Tuesday when Allie threw my cell phone into my coffee. Fried it. Yes, this is the very cell phone that earlier this year I dropped into the bathtub. Was able to get a another one that day but I could have killed the little squirt.
Then on Friday after his last day of school, Stewart was playing barefoot in the backyard and kicked a brick. Judging by the amount of blood I was certain he'd ripped off his toenail. Thankfully he did not, but my boy is a HUGE drama queen so that was fun. Here is a pictue of Allie after the incident. Stewart had just hosed her down when he hurt himself so I can't help but think she had something to do with his accident.

Then on Saturday I go out to my minivan and it has a dead battery. Instead of leaving it alone and going to ask a neighbor to help me push it out of the garage, I decide to take that task on all by my little ol' self. Simple enough: You put it in neutral, and you push. Right? Only the minivan gets away from me and to prevent it from hurdling into the street I run to open the driver's door and I get pinched between the garage wall and the minivan. Hence this beautiful collection of bruises on my left arm. The picture really doesn't do it justice. I hurt. ALOT! Good news after all this the minivan gets just enough juice in it to start up so I can go to Walmart and get a new battery.

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