Sunday, July 13, 2008

Captain Stewart

We are redecorating Lil S's room with a pirate theme. We repainted the whole room including his bed and there's going to be a map of the world on one side and octopus tentacles on the other. It's coming along slowly, but it's going to look sooo cool! I'll post pictures when we're done.

Poor Lil S has been sick all day today. He's thrown up everything but his liver. He spent the day on the couch with a large bowl and a wet rag. He looked so cute I wanted to take a picture but Big S wouldn't let me :) We rented a couple of movies and put the room decorating on hold until he feels better. Which better be soon because he has swim lessons on Tuesday and, sick or not, he's going! I know, mother of the year :)

Speaking of swim lessons he did very well on Thursday. He managed to tread water for a second or two which I think is huge! I don't think he even realized what happened. He wasn't paying attention when the instructor let go of him and he instinctively started flapping his arms and legs and it worked!

AJ seems to be feeling better but I don't want to jinx it so I'll update on her in a few days.

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