Lil S started swim lessons this week. He'll be going Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next 4 weeks. He's not too thrilled about going, to be honest. I've been busting out some heavy duty bribery to get him to go. I'm hoping it will pay off in the long run because I refuse to let him go on being afraid of the water! On a positive note, the first lesson went better than expected: He didn't run around the pool screaming, he wore his goggles, and he only cried for a few minutes. AND they managed to dunk him under the water and he didn't seem to mind! Let's just keep those fingers crossed... I told him that if he finishes all his lessons without incident that we'd buy him a turtle :)

This is an activity center/jumper that I bought AJ because she's getting a little more independent. She loves it, although you can't tell from the picture. She was playing the "I'm so tired I don't know what to do with myself so I'll just stand here and scream" dance that we like to do everyday. We are now in our 6th week with thrush. Oh yes, it's been fun. Not only is she not sleeping but now she only eats a little bit at a time and then screams until I lay her in her crib where she screams some more until she passes out and then wakes up screaming because she's hungry. We do this ALL DAY! Monday I took her back to the doctor and they gave us some stronger meds so i'm hoping for a miracle soon because this SUCKS! I can already tell she's starting to feel a little better because she didn't cry nearly as much today.
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