Friday, May 23, 2008

2 month checkup

Allie went in for her 2 month checkup today. She’s in the 95% range for length and 75% for weight. I called it, I knew she’d be passing up her brother in overall size. He went in on Monday and he’s in the 5% range for both. She had to get 4 shots, and yes she screamed her head off! Poor baby :( The nurse took Stewart to the play area so he didn't have to hear her cry. But she was so loud that he heard her and came running screaming "I want to see Allison!!!". He was so sweet, he held her little hand. Then in the car he saw she had a band aid so he poked it hard. Ahhh, siblings :)

Tonight I'm going out with my fellow mommies. That's right, NO KIDS! I'm so excited :)

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