She is finally napping folks! I don't want to jinx it but today we got home from picking up Lil S from school and AJ was asleep in her carseat. So I unhooked the carseat from the base and put the whole thing in her room and shut the door. She's been in there for an hour and a half! YEAH! If I have to do this everyday to get her to take a nap, so be it. This late-afternoon cranky spell of hers is enough to drive me bonkers!! When she gets like that there's nothing I can do to make her happy. She just flails her arms and legs and goes "AH!". I really don't know how to spell the noise she makes, but imagine a really angry parrot :)
Lil S is at the doctor getting his 4-year shots that I neglected to get him last year. BAD MOMMY! Big S, my knight in shining armor, took him for me. I'm dying to see how it is going...
Lil S just walked in from him doctor's visit. He had to have 4 shots!! But that's over with. Big S said he did very well. He is in the 5th percentile for his age in weight and height. I knew he was small for his age just by seeing him play with kids his age :) I call him my little peanut. I tell him, "You don't have to be tougher than the other kids, just faster!".
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