Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last Day of School

Have you ever tried to explain the concept of summer vacation to a 5-year old? I did today, since this was Lil S's last day of school. The conversation went something like this:

"Honey, today was your last day of school, did you know that?"
"For forever?"
"No not forever, just for the summer"
"When will I have school again?"
"In August"
"No, not until August"
"The next tomorrow?"
"No...honey we'll get out the calender when we get home and I'll show you when August is"
"What are we doing tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow is your graduation ceremony, do you know what that is?"
"Uh huh, but when will I have school again?"

This went on for a while folks :)

Another napless day for AJ. Oh well, thank god she sleeps at night.

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