Friday, May 30, 2008


A couple of days ago lil S and I went to the Disney Store to use a gift certificate he got for his birthday. He bought a foam rubber bow and arrow set. All was well until yesterday...He was playing with it in the living room and decided to throw it like a frisbee and hit AJ in the side of the head! Didn't hurt her, scared her more than anything. But she screamed bloody murder!!! Hence big S almost killed lil S and threw him in his room. After the crying stopped from both parties everything was forgiven. But the bow and arrow set will be in the hall closet for a very VERY long time :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Business

I'm an official Tupperware consultant, yeah! I'm so excited to get started with this new chapter in my life. And to finally bring in some extra money :) Here's my website . Its in the process of being built right now. But I'm so excited!! I think I already said that :)
Please visit my website. There's lots of cool stuff to buy, you'd be amazed at how much Tupperware has to offer even after 60 years!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sprinkler Park

Lil S and I went to the Sprinkler Park this afternoon. AJ stayed here with Daddy and took a 3-hour nap, darnit!!! Oh well, it was great to spend some time alone with my little guy! We also got our new air conditioner up and running. It's sooooo nice to have a cool house again!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Making Breakfast

Right around the time I had AJ, Lil S decided he was going to start making his own breakfast. I was thrilled! However, one day I was in the office and Lil S comes running in "The toaster is on fire!!" I hurry to the kitchen only to see smoke billowing out of the toaster. I grab it and throw it outside. Later we examined it to see what went wrong. Lil S had decided to make himself a peanut butter, jelly, and marshmallow sandwich and then decided that it needed to be toasted. Needless to say the toaster was trash and Lil S learned a very valuable lesson :)

Sleepy Baby

Wanna see what a really tired baby looks like when she's refusing to take a nap? There ya go :) She officially takes after her mother.

So today she's decided that the only way she will nap is in her carseat, locked into the stroller, in her room, with the humidifier on high. Yes folks, everyday is a new adventure :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Heat

It's been sooo hot here lately! On Friday our air conditioner broke. The guy fiddled with it and got it working again but we basically need a whole new unit. Many thousands of dollars later, and we have a new one coming tomorrow morning. YIKES! Miss AJ was a wreck yesterday! I don't know if it was her shots or what but she was inconsolable. Today she did much better, in fact she even got in a couple of naps which was awesome! Lil S has already started bugging me about when he goes to school next. KILL ME NOW!

Friday, May 23, 2008

2 month checkup

Allie went in for her 2 month checkup today. She’s in the 95% range for length and 75% for weight. I called it, I knew she’d be passing up her brother in overall size. He went in on Monday and he’s in the 5% range for both. She had to get 4 shots, and yes she screamed her head off! Poor baby :( The nurse took Stewart to the play area so he didn't have to hear her cry. But she was so loud that he heard her and came running screaming "I want to see Allison!!!". He was so sweet, he held her little hand. Then in the car he saw she had a band aid so he poked it hard. Ahhh, siblings :)

Tonight I'm going out with my fellow mommies. That's right, NO KIDS! I'm so excited :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

St. Jude's Quilt

This year I am doing a quilt for the St. Jude's Quilt of Dreams contest. I've been wanting to do one for a while, and now that I have a few quilts under my belt I'm very excited about ACTUALLY doing one! The quilts are donated to the St. Jude's Research Hospital. The winner receives a $500 gift certificate to Hancock Fabrics. Though I'm doing it purely for the joy of giving, I REALLY hope I win!!!


Lil S graduated from Preschool today. I'm sure you remember the conversation he and I had yesterday. Well this morning imagine his frustration when I made him go to school: "YOU SAID I DIDN'T HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!!" A few tears later he realized that all his friends were there and there was cake involved and he was happy again :) Then afterwards we met some friends at McDonalds. What a busy day, I'm beat!!!

AJ slept the whole time which was great. She managed to not have a meltdown tonight which was even better! Tomorrow she has her 2-month checkup which I'm dreading! Not only do I have to take both of them, but she has to have 5 SHOTS!! I explained to Lil S today that we will be taking AJ to the doctor tomorrow and that she will be having shots and she will probably cry. He thought about that for a minute and said "Can I come?". Can't you feel the love?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last Day of School

Have you ever tried to explain the concept of summer vacation to a 5-year old? I did today, since this was Lil S's last day of school. The conversation went something like this:

"Honey, today was your last day of school, did you know that?"
"For forever?"
"No not forever, just for the summer"
"When will I have school again?"
"In August"
"No, not until August"
"The next tomorrow?"
"No...honey we'll get out the calender when we get home and I'll show you when August is"
"What are we doing tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow is your graduation ceremony, do you know what that is?"
"Uh huh, but when will I have school again?"

This went on for a while folks :)

Another napless day for AJ. Oh well, thank god she sleeps at night.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Stewart woke up this morning and could barely walk! The 4 shots he had yesterday in his leg are really hurting him today. But he really wanted to go to school so I pumped him full of Tylenol and sent him off to school. After I dropped him off I went to enroll him in Kindergarten. It's official now, my baby's all grown up!!! He starts August 25th.

AJ is napping in her carseat again. Let's cross our fingers for another long one...

...nope, no nap today :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Is this what a nap feels like?

She is finally napping folks! I don't want to jinx it but today we got home from picking up Lil S from school and AJ was asleep in her carseat. So I unhooked the carseat from the base and put the whole thing in her room and shut the door. She's been in there for an hour and a half! YEAH! If I have to do this everyday to get her to take a nap, so be it. This late-afternoon cranky spell of hers is enough to drive me bonkers!! When she gets like that there's nothing I can do to make her happy. She just flails her arms and legs and goes "AH!". I really don't know how to spell the noise she makes, but imagine a really angry parrot :)

Lil S is at the doctor getting his 4-year shots that I neglected to get him last year. BAD MOMMY! Big S, my knight in shining armor, took him for me. I'm dying to see how it is going...

Lil S just walked in from him doctor's visit. He had to have 4 shots!! But that's over with. Big S said he did very well. He is in the 5th percentile for his age in weight and height. I knew he was small for his age just by seeing him play with kids his age :) I call him my little peanut. I tell him, "You don't have to be tougher than the other kids, just faster!".

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Being 5

My little boy turned 5 today. He's such a big boy now! We had a party for him at Chuck E Cheese. It was SO busy and crazy, but much easier than having a party at home. All the kids seemed to have a great time. AJ slept the whole time which was fabulous. Becky made him a Transformer cake. A great day but boy am I exhausted!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dinner Date

Tonight Big S and I went out to dinner. Our first night out since the baby. We didn't know what to do with ourselves! We went to dinner and tried to eat as slow as possible, but managed to scarf down our food in an hour. So then we just sat there and talked and it was great! Tomorrow is lil S's birthday bash and BOOOOOOY is he excited! 10 times he asked me today:
"Is tomorrow my birthday?".
Lil S tends to repeat himself ALOT!!! This morning was rough because I asked Lil S to clean his room and you'd think I asked him to memorize the phone book!:
"But it's soooo hard why can't YOU do it?"
"Because I'm not the one who made the mess that's why!"
I usually could care less whether or not his room is clean, but when the raisins start sticking to your feet and there's a smell that you can't quite put your finger on, that's when something needs to be done. Anyway he kept coming out every 10 seconds and saying:
That's it, you'd expect him to have a question that follows this, but no. Just:
I really do love my Junior Mint...really.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Loud Sleepers

My kids are the loudest sleepers! Which is why neither have ever slept with us :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008


A big storm came through last night and brought rain, hail, and even tornadoes! Small tornadoes, and no reported damage. But man was it loud! Of course everyone slept through it but me because I hadn't even gone to bed yet. On top of that the baby was up all night. Don't really know why, I just kept hearing her wining and tossing and turning and when I'd get up to check on her she'd be fast asleep. Darn baby monitor! If I didn't know any better I'd swear it was playing tricks on me :) So now I'm sitting in the office typing and she's laying in the guest bed behind me cooing away. I sure hope we get a nap today...

I didn't write last night because I have a few quilts I'm working on and I lost track of time. But I had a great day yesterday! AJ and I met our mommy's group at Souper Salad and had a nice lunch. She slept the whole time so I was able to eat in peace and quiet for a change! Then when I got home Big S was home so he offered to go pick up Lil S from school. After they got home I decided to lay down and "rest my eyes" for a bit and ended up taking a 2 hour nap! What a good day :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Wrap

I bought the Ultimate Baby Wrap and I love it! It's like a really big scarf and you wrap it around your whole torso and stick the baby in it and that way you can have your hands free to do other things! She really likes being able to look out at the world. I'll have Stephen take a picture of me tomorrow. It's silly looking, but it works like a charm. Princess even took a nap in it today. Stewart's birthday party is this weekend and needless to say he's excited. "How many days until my party, mom??" At least 3 times a day he asks me this. I have to say I'm excited too :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

California here we come!

I decided to take Allie out to CA to visit all our family. I'm shooting for the first week of October since Stephen will be on vacation so he can stay here with Stewart. Stewie will just be starting Kindergarten so I hate to take him out for a whole week. Which is why just me and Princess are going. I'm excited to show her off! It's hard to imagine though that she'll be 6 months old then. Wow, time sure does fly!

Countdown Clocks at

School Picnic

Today we had a picnic at Stewart's school. All the parents brought lunches and a blanket and we all ate out on the grass. It was so much fun! Stewart once again got to show off his baby sister which is his favorite thing to do. And I got to mingle with adults which is one of my favorite things to do :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pool Party

Stewart went to his first pool party at a friend's house yesterday. I bought him one of those swimsuits with the lifevest actually in the suit since he doesn't know how to swim. Despite this he refused to get in the water! He did manage to get his feet in but nothing else. And being as how I'm part fish I refuse to let him be afraid of the water so I'm signing his butt up for swimming lessons this year. We have a little 10' wide 3' deep pool in our background and he loves it so i'm guessing his fear lies in pools that are too deep for him to touch the bottom. I'd love to teach him myself but I think he'd learn better from a more patient third party :)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Crazy Family Day

Stephen had today off so we all packed up and headed to the Children's museum. Darnit I forgot my camera! There was so much cool stuff there, too :( After a couple of hours there we went to lunch at the Spaghetti Warehouse. Exactly like the Spaghetti Factory from back home, down to the train car in the dining room. Then tonight Stewart and I went to Milburn Park for their Movies in the Park series where they were showing Ratatouille. Daddy and baby stayed home. After getting settled in they informed us that the event was canceled due to lightning in the area :( We were so bummed!! So we walked back home only to find Stephen STILL trying to get princess down for the night. By this time its 9pm and everyone's wide awake except for daddy who was about to pass out :) Give him a break, he gets up at 2am to go to work! So I offer to take over from here and Stephen heads off to bed. 5 minutes later both kids are passed out...YES!!!

She Sleeps!

it's 3:30 now and I just got through feeding Joey after sleeping a whopping 7 hours! I'm so thrilled that she's such a great sleeper at night. Now if I can just get her to nap during the day. She did manage to get a 1-hour nap in yesterday so I was able to finally get some stuff done around the house. Yesterday afternoon we picked Stewart up from school and met some friends at the Sprinkle Park. It was 90 degrees here yesterday! Today Stephen has the day off so we are going to spend some much-needed time together.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Little Man

Yesterday I dropped Stewart off at school like I normally do. I park in the street a meer 20 feet from his classroom's door so that he can still be his independent little self and walk into the classroom by himself. However yesterday was different, the baby was crying so I hopped out of the car and headed toward the backseat when I hear a horrified cry "MOM!!!! I can walk by myself!" He was SO annoyed at the thought of me following him into his classroom! He's 5!!!! One day he'll be mortified if I try to kiss him on the cheek in front of his friends :(

Big Brother

Stewart LOOOOOOOOOVES being a big brother. Almost too much. In fact, he won't leave her alone. He's constantly touching her and poking her. Part of me is thrilled that he loves her so much, and the other part is screaming "Just leave her alone!"


I put Joey in a dress yesterday and took a bunch of pictures. She's turning into such a gorgeous little girl! I'm so excited because my mom always told me that I didn't have hair til I was 2 so she was constantly correctly people when they'd say "What a cute little boy!". After I was done taking a million pictures of Joey, I gave Stewart a bath. And of course I couldn't just walk away from the baby for 2 minutes to give brother a bath, NOOOO! Can't set the baby down for a minute :) So she laid on the floor and watched Stewie take a bath. Which actually worked out good because she ended up falling asleep in this position!