Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas: THE MOVIE

I video taped our entire christmas morning. It's pretty boring, but if you want to watch it...enjoy! It's in 4 parts, the entire thing is 26 minutes long :)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Merry Christmas!

By sheer luck, Stephen was home in time for Christmas :) Although he's probably regretting it now because the kids have been a handful. Stewart had the stomach flu the first half of the week. Allie fell down outside and skinned up half of her face. On top of that she has a terrible cold so she's been MUCHO cranky. We all had a great Christmas, though. Stewart woke up at 6 and announced it was time to open presents. He had time to open all of his presents and put them together before Allie woke up at 8 and opened her presents. I think we're all ready for naptime now :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Cards

I wanted to make my own Christmas cards this year. I couldn't get either kid to sit still together long enough to get a group shot. Stewart refused to smile. Allie just wanted to ride Stewart's old tricycle that's she's too little for. It was a mess. Here's the best I got:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


AJ and I went to Claire's today and got her some "jewelry". She loves playing with mine. Which is more than frustrating when I have to search the house everyday to find where she'd hidden things. When she went after my wedding ring, I decided it was time she had her own accessories.

I bought her a set of 5 pastel beads. At first she was very excited about wearing them, even showed them off at the grocery store to the checker. Then we got home she took them all off and played with them for AN HOUR! It was mind-numbing. I'd give a million dollars to know what was going through her head :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Stewart was off ALL LAST WEEK! Not to worry, we survived. We spent alot of time playing in the backyard, courtesy of the BEAUTIFUL weather we've been having. HA HA to those of you wading through 12 feet of snow :)

We also went to Chuck E Cheese on Black Friday, thinking no one would be there. This plan worked until about 11:00 when all the crazies were apparently done shopping and decided to visit CEC. Allie was LESS THAN impressed with CEC. She clung to me the whole time and when I dared to put her on this seemingly harmless ride, she freaked. This picture is seconds before said Freak-Out happened.

Yes...Miss Thing is in dire need of a haircut

Friday, November 6, 2009


The kiddos had a great halloween. Stewart ran from house to house and we managed to keep up. Allie on made it to one house and as soon as they opend the door, she ran to the wagon and hid there for the rest of the night.

Allie went as a Princess (Stewart picked out her costume) and Stewart went as the Grim Reaper.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Allie's Tower

This is Allie's newest obsession: building a tower of blocks. She gets in the zone while she's doing it and there's no reaching her :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Allie Stuff

Ok enough about Stewart, now for Allie. Still not talking actual words yet, but she has alot to say in her own language.

Here she is bumming ice cream off of daddy.

On my mom's old rocking horse with her brother's firemen's hat on
Miss AJ is quite the little accessory queen. Her favorite thing to do is wear hair bands as bracelets.

Kindergarten Graduation

Despite our doubts, Stewart graduated from Kindergarten. As Stephen would say Halle-freakin-lujah!!! In the class shot, you can see Stewart at the back of the line, not paying attention as usual. :)

Wild Animals

For Stewart's birthday, instead of having a party, we loaded up the minivan and headed to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch in San Antonio. If you've never been, GO! Its a zoo that you drive your car through and the animals come right up to the car and you can feed them! Aside from the psychotic ostrich that tried to eat Allie, it was so much fun!


My last entry into the blog was May 17th. YIKES! I will try to play catchup with the next several entries...

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Stewart has been wanting a snake for a long time. So I told him if he saved his money that I'd get him for his borthday. Well, he did, and I did. Meet Junie. She's a baby California King Snake. She's super mellow and Stewart has been great with far. Stephen's been a trooper even though I know he's not too fond of having a snake in the house.

Friday, March 27, 2009

3-2-1 Penguins

There's cartoon on Saturday mornings called 3-2-1 Penguins. I can't tell you what time its on, because I don't really know. All I know is that I tell the DVR to record it and VOILA! Anyhoo, Stewart thinks it's absolutely hilarious, especially the theme song. And Allie thinks its hilarious that Stewart thinks its hilarious. Here's what I mean:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Allie's 1st Birthday Photos


They'd been threatening rain all afternoon, and boy did they deliver! At about 5:45 our time the sky opened up and WHAM!

The damaged skylight. Don't worry, it's just the outer shell :

Golf Ball sized hail:

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Just a cute shot of Allie in front of the Cracker Barrel :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I got my hair done for my birthday. I love it! I've never had my hair highlighted before, so this was a new adventure :)

This is Buster, Cherry and Larry's Cocker Spaniel. He's a cutie pie. Allie loves him!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Behold! Allie's first pair of non-slipper, non-infant shoes! This is hilarious to me because Stewie had like 10 pairs of shoes by the time he could walk. Which is probably why he didn't walk until he was 14 months old :) Since Allie is already running everywhere, at 11 months, I figured she was past due for a pair of shoes.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Yes I know I KNOW! ok I am foregoing sleep to sit down and write something since it's been forever!

Lil S has had his ups and downs in school. On one hand he's very smart and reading at a 2nd grade level. On the other hand he's very smart and knows it. He enjoys getting a rise out of his teacher and spends at least one day a week in the Vice Principal's office. Grown ups do not intimidate this kid, and its EXTREMELY frustrating. He is very popular and somehow seems to know every teacher and student at his school!

Allie is a trouble maker in her own right. Now that she is RUNNING, she goes from room to room looking for things to get into. I spend most of my day following her around going "no...NO...NO!!!" She is a sugar freak. We can't leave cans of soda sitting out or she will grab it and make a run for the nearest corner where she will guzzle it up!

The weather is getting warm now, and I say thank god! I miss the rain, but i'm happy to have the warm weather back.

Ok that's it for now. SEE! Not all that exciting around here :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Dad was here visiting a couple of weeks ago, and he brought this thing with him. It's called a GigaBall. You climb in it and someone rolls you around. Stewart took one look at it and said "UH UH!! NO WAY!" Then the neighbor kids came over and Stephen rolled them around a bit. Then Stewart was ALL into it! Didn't take long before they punctured a hole in it, though :)
The baby has had the stomach flu since Wednesday. Its awful, she can't keep anything down and I'm trying to keep everyone else from getting sick. I'm usually not a germ-a-phobe, but the day before she started having symptoms, I went to get my oil changed and I let her play in the play area. I just know she picked it up there. When I took her to the doctor, he said that this is going around and that its highly contagious. SO BEWARE!

Monday, January 5, 2009

During AJ's nap today I cleaned Lil S's room. And I mean CLEANED! I bagged up a bunch of his old junk to take to the Goodwill and I organized all his toys. So what do you think AJ did as soon as she woke up? Well here's proof:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gramma's Visit

Gramma visited this weekend and we all had a great time! We went to Chuck E Cheese, McDonald's, Burger King, and the bouncehouse. Thank god Lil S goes back to school tomorrow, I can't keep this up!

I bought AJ a Longhorns' Cheerleader's outfit at Kid to Kid. I couldn't help myself, it's the cutest thing i've ever seen! Especially with her fat little belly poking of the bottom :)