Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stewart's 8th Birthday Party

Stewart's birthday party was on Saturday and 18 kids showed up! You'd think that would be chaos, but it was actually great. All the kids got along famously and enjoyed the yard that Stephen built :) Stewart now has LEGOS coming out his ears, and he's in heaven :)


My fabulously talented husband built Stewart a clubhouse for his birthday. I like to pretend this is a present from US, but really he did all the work. We've been talking about it for a while, and I wanted him to build something that is going to last. So that's EXACTLY what he did! The kids love it, although I've yet to break it to Allie that Stewart is having me make a NO GIRLS ALLOWED sign. I expect Stewart to practically live in it this summer so I'm stocking it with a cooler, a lantern, and bug spray :)

Crossover Ceremony

Stewart's Crossover ceremony in Cub Scouts was last week. This is where the boys crossover from their current year to the next year. He got a new neckerchief and book :) It was very cute.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stewart and His Bike

We have been trying to get Stewart's training wheels off for months. He's been too scared to even try riding his bike without them. So Mean-Ol-Mommy got annoyed and took them off and told him "sink or swim, buddy". Yes, I know... Stephen took a much gentler approach and told him that they would spend all day Saturday practicing. After 30 MINUTES, that boy was off and peddling like a champ. You see? Mommy's tough love actually did him some good. OK, MAYBE Stephen helped a little. :)

Birthday Invites

Stewart is having a party at the house to celebrate his 8th birthday. Since he wants to invite 30+ people, I decided to print my own invites and save myself time and money. So printed them at the 1-hour photo, bought a box of envelopes and voila! Instant invites for less than $7!