Thursday, February 25, 2010


Allie's hair is long enough for pigtails. Finally!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Stephen and the neighbor kids built a snowman in our front yard today.

Pretty Fluffy White Stuff!

The best part? It'll melt before it gets annoying!


We got a little snow today. And when I say little, I mean it fell from the sky in buckets but melted before it had a chance to accumulate :) Fine with me, I'm not a huge fan of snow and ice.

Day in San Antonio

Stephen's home this week so we gave in to Stewart's request to go to the Rainforest Cafe in San Antonio. Allie was less impressed with the place, and mainly kept her head down and colored the whole time. Then we went over to the wax museum where they have a lifesize animated model of a T-Rex in their lobby. Afterwards we went for a walk where we stumbled upon the Children's museum. OMG! That place is fabulous! They have something for every age. In the basement, they have a kid-size grocery store complete with cash registers. We had sooo much fun!