Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Stewart was off ALL LAST WEEK! Not to worry, we survived. We spent alot of time playing in the backyard, courtesy of the BEAUTIFUL weather we've been having. HA HA to those of you wading through 12 feet of snow :)

We also went to Chuck E Cheese on Black Friday, thinking no one would be there. This plan worked until about 11:00 when all the crazies were apparently done shopping and decided to visit CEC. Allie was LESS THAN impressed with CEC. She clung to me the whole time and when I dared to put her on this seemingly harmless ride, she freaked. This picture is seconds before said Freak-Out happened.

Yes...Miss Thing is in dire need of a haircut

Friday, November 6, 2009


The kiddos had a great halloween. Stewart ran from house to house and we managed to keep up. Allie on made it to one house and as soon as they opend the door, she ran to the wagon and hid there for the rest of the night.

Allie went as a Princess (Stewart picked out her costume) and Stewart went as the Grim Reaper.