Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Diaper Cakes

My newest venture is making Diaper Cakes.

Check it out!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Eating Fool

AJ has become obsessed with her feet. She just loves to grab onto them and hold on for dear life. I don't know if she's waiting for the ride to start or what. So Stephen put these velcro rattles on her ankles. I think it just made her mad :)

I've been trying to feed AJ baby food for a few weeks now but she just spits out everything I put in her mouth. I tried again tonight and BINGO! We started with bananas and she LOVED those! She darn near ate the whole container! Then halfway through Lil S decided he wanted to be in on the action so he got up on the counter next to her. After that AJ just wanted to stare at her brother. She cracks me up because sometimes she just looks at him with this look like "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!"

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

4 month Checkup

AJ went in for her 4 month checkup today. She got 5 SHOTS! Poor baby :) She took it rather well and only cried for a little bit. Don't feel too sorry for her, she really milked it when we got home and Daddy was here. Lil S waited in the waiting room because he can't stand hearing her cry. Mind you, I gave him the option of staying home with daddy but noooo he wanted to come with us! Daddy had to stay home and wait for the TV repair guy to show up in case you're wondering :)

Tomorrow is swim lessons once again. I'm still positive that Lil S will get the hang of this. I don't expect him to be an olympic swimmer, all I ask is that he stick his head in the water! Oh well...

Hurricane Dolly hit land several hundred miles south of us. And yet we've noticed quite a bit of wind and humidity. This afternoon we even had a little downpour. Man I wish it would rain!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Mighty Bumbo

This contraption is called a Bumbo. It's basically a baby seat made out of foam rubber. It's awesome because Little Miss Independent can sit unassisted anywhere she wants. Which means I can get things done in the kitchen where before there was nowhere to put her. Big S told me about it when she was first born and I thought it was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard of. Point for Daddy!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Her Royal Highness

Well Seniorita Cranky-Pants strikes again. She manages to get her way one way or another and today was no exception. Here she is lounging in brother's dirty ol' chair.
And tonight daddy was trying to feed her but she was wiggling and didn't want to be held so he put her in this big bowl and carried her around in it. Here she is trying to hold the bottle even though she's not quite coordinated enough yet.
Lil S was finally feeling better today so he managed to get out of him jammies and eat some real food. Tomorrow we're going to try and actually leave the house for the first time this week! I think we're all getting cabin fever :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Captain Stewart

We are redecorating Lil S's room with a pirate theme. We repainted the whole room including his bed and there's going to be a map of the world on one side and octopus tentacles on the other. It's coming along slowly, but it's going to look sooo cool! I'll post pictures when we're done.

Poor Lil S has been sick all day today. He's thrown up everything but his liver. He spent the day on the couch with a large bowl and a wet rag. He looked so cute I wanted to take a picture but Big S wouldn't let me :) We rented a couple of movies and put the room decorating on hold until he feels better. Which better be soon because he has swim lessons on Tuesday and, sick or not, he's going! I know, mother of the year :)

Speaking of swim lessons he did very well on Thursday. He managed to tread water for a second or two which I think is huge! I don't think he even realized what happened. He wasn't paying attention when the instructor let go of him and he instinctively started flapping his arms and legs and it worked!

AJ seems to be feeling better but I don't want to jinx it so I'll update on her in a few days.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Talkative Little Munchkin

Today AJ is 16 weeks old! We had quite an interesting conversation during bathtime, so naturally I grabbed my camera :) I plan to ask her later what she meant by all this... Sorry its so long, but its worth it!

So it is now 9 pm and princess has finally gone down for the night...hopefully. I think she may have been trying to tell me in this video what she wanted for dinner! Because boy can that girl eat! I went to the store today and bought her a variety of different baby foods to try. So far her favorite is brown rice cereal mixed with formula. The peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes did not go over well AT ALL! Which is funny because those were Stewart's favorites! I also took a peek in her mouth tonight to look at the thrush and spotted a few teeth trying to cut through! That would explain the constant fussiness, but means that I still have a while before she's happy once again :(

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Sale Ad

The New Tupperware Sale Ad starts Saturday, July 12th!
If you don't get it in the mail by then shoot me an email and I'll be happy to mail you one.
Don't forget that you can always shop from my website 24 hours a day 7 days a week!
For the best deals, you might want to think about hosting a party. This is easy to do and you don't even have to clean your house! Just tell me that you are interested in hosting a "Catalog Party". This means that I send you a packet with a bunch of catalogs and order forms and you collect as many orders as you can for 2 weeks. Then at the end of those two weeks you mail your orders to me! The best part of being a host is that you get FREE Tupperware and offers to exclusive products.

Swim Lessons

Lil S started swim lessons this week. He'll be going Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next 4 weeks. He's not too thrilled about going, to be honest. I've been busting out some heavy duty bribery to get him to go. I'm hoping it will pay off in the long run because I refuse to let him go on being afraid of the water! On a positive note, the first lesson went better than expected: He didn't run around the pool screaming, he wore his goggles, and he only cried for a few minutes. AND they managed to dunk him under the water and he didn't seem to mind! Let's just keep those fingers crossed... I told him that if he finishes all his lessons without incident that we'd buy him a turtle :)

This is an activity center/jumper that I bought AJ because she's getting a little more independent. She loves it, although you can't tell from the picture. She was playing the "I'm so tired I don't know what to do with myself so I'll just stand here and scream" dance that we like to do everyday. We are now in our 6th week with thrush. Oh yes, it's been fun. Not only is she not sleeping but now she only eats a little bit at a time and then screams until I lay her in her crib where she screams some more until she passes out and then wakes up screaming because she's hungry. We do this ALL DAY! Monday I took her back to the doctor and they gave us some stronger meds so i'm hoping for a miracle soon because this SUCKS! I can already tell she's starting to feel a little better because she didn't cry nearly as much today.