Sunday, June 29, 2008


OK let's see if I can't catch ya'll up here...

This is a bird's nest that has found it's way above our front doorway. Lil S thinks it's the coolest thing EVER! I kinda do too :) Every morning we say hello to the little birdies and at night we blow them a kiss. It hasn't posed too much of a problem until a few days ago mama bird accidentally flew in the house. We managed to chase her out but I'm hoping she sticks around to take care of her babies. Because I don't really want to have to explain that to poor Lil S :(

Mom and Michael came out to visit. We stayed out of the heat and did alot of indoor things. We had a great time! Lil S told me "I'm really lucky, huh?" and I said "Why's that sweetie?" and he said "Cuz I have THREE grandpas!" You kind of have to know Lil S to know the extreme emphasis he put on the word "THREE". It's sort of the same as when he askes me how old I am and I tell him and he says " Wow mommy you're OOOOOOOOOOOOLD!"

Give up? This is a corn dog with the hot dog missing out of it. Yep, that's my child for ya. I really have no comment, i'm speechless.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I know I know, I promised you guys I would try and write in this everyday and yet it's been a week! I have an excuse, teacher! AJ hasn't been sleeping well. At first I thought she was teething early, but I don't think that's it now. A friend told me it may be colic, so I switched her nighttime bottle of formula to a more sensitive brand and that seems to be working much better! So that obstacle seems to be overcome.

Then there's the heat. People, it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot here! I grew up in the desert where it was like 110, but at night it would drop to like 60 and we could open our houses up and breathe some fresh cool air. Not here. It is hot ALL DAY! Last night at 10:30 it was still 90 degrees! We try doing the pool or the sprinkle park but I worry about the baby getting too hot so we don't stay long.

My Tupperware business is doing wonderful! I had my first luncheon on Tuesday. Not a whole lot of people showed up, but I learned a lot from it. My next party is on July 12th. It'll be an open house from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. The theme is "GO GREEN". Here's what the EVITE says:

The theme for this Tupperware party is "GO GREEN". Imagine all the money you can save yourself by tossing out those disposable containers (so to speak), and using sturdy, lightweight, reusable Tupperware containers instead. We'll break it down tonight!

Please join me for food, fun, and adult conversation! I'll have all my products out on display and be ready to take orders. Don't worry about the time, come and go as you please anytime between 5:30 and 8:30. BYOB, and I'll have snacks.

Anyone who books a party on this day will receive a free gift ($10 value)! Also, just for attending, you will put your name into a drawing to instantly win the
Heat N' Serve Square Round 3-piece set, a $45 value!

Cool, huh? I'm very excited about it!!

Mom and Michael are visiting, they just flew in last night so we are seeing them today. More later...I promise!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Strike a Pose

OK I promise this will be the last blog about the baby...for today anyways :) Big S and I went out tonight and when we got home at 10:30 AJ was still up! She's quite the night owl, this one. So I gave her a bath and that only seemed to make her more alert so I busted out the camera again. Boy does she loooove the camera! She knows its on her and WHAM! she starts posing.

Look out boys!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Dad's Visit

When AJ won't go down for a nap we lie her on the guest bed and she stares at the fan. I caught this shot with my camera :)

Dad is visiting this week and we've been having fun with him. Yesterday we went to Chuck E Cheese and Lil S and grandpa won 300 tickets! They got all kinds of useless stuff, but lil S discovered Fun Dip. It's basically and sugar stick that you dip in a packet of sugar and eat it. YEAH, needless to say I've only been letting him eat that a little bit of that at a time!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Finally some rest

Lil S started summer school today, and not a moment too soon for AJ as you can see. She passed out as soon as we dropped him off. I think she needs it to be really quiet in order to take a good nap. When we're at home that is. When we're out the world could be falling down around her and she'd sleep right through it.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Big Girl

Well I guess AJ is going to take after the Neal/Kipp side of the family and be the tall one. She grew out of her onesies so, just to cover myself, i bought some 3-6 month sizes thinking she'd have time to grow into them. They fit perfectly! She's 11 weeks old!!!

This lovely mess is the work of lil S. I thought I'd clean out the office one day and throw away some of his "not so neat" artwork. He had a FIT! "How could you throw away my artwork?!?". So he proceded to dig through the trash and there you have it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How to comb your hair

lil S got out of the shower the other day and I was attempting to play with his hair a little bit to sort of jazz it up. I said "How cool would you looked with your hair all spiked?!" So I tried to show him and he had a fit!!! "NO!! You're messing up my hair!". So today I had the camera ready so he can show me the "proper" way to style one's hair.

3 am Ramblings

Well I guess you can't have everything! AJ is sleeping much better now. Our only issue now is going back to sleep after waking up :) Which is really fun at 2 in the morning. Lately she's been loving her car carrier so this morning after she wouldn't go back to sleep I just put her in there and PRESTO! Hey I don't care where she sleeps as long as she does it! We have a playdate at our house this morning so Stewart and I cleaned the house yesterday. It's so great that he's at that age where he can help me around the house. Well, looks like AJ is asleep finally so off I go!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008


All I have to say is yuck yuck YUCK! AJ Has something called Thrush which is basically a yeast infection in her mouth. As if that weren't bad enough she has managed to spread it to me which makes feeding her extremely painful. This explains why she hasn't been sleeping well and why she's been SO cranky lately. The doctor gave us both some medicine so hopefully it will clear up soon.

Lil S and I made chocolate chip brownies today. He thought this would be a good opportunity to ask me a billion questions: "How do they make chocolate? Why are their ants? How many days until I start school? When will it be 3 0'clock? What rhymes with gorilla?..." AH!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

No Sleep

AJ has NOT been sleeping well at night lately. We just got into a routine of sleeping well, and now she's been waking up every 2 hours! Its killing me!!! I'm hoping she's just going through a growth spurt.

lil S has been doing well despite mommy's grumpiness :) Except he's at that age where he wants everything he sees a commercial for. Saturday morning, I'm not kidding, every single commercial he would go "OOH, I want that. Can I have that for my birthday?!".